Art Direction
kin∙dred was created for the Marin Community Foundation to tell the story of MOMentum, their Guaranteed Income pilot designed to give Moms of color an opportunity for greater independence over their lives, finances, and the future for them and their children.
The Opportunity
Marin Community Foundation wanted to go beyond stats and figures to discuss universal basic income from a human perspective — and to do this, they wanted to center the lives of its participants. We were given audio and written one-on-one interviews with some of the mothers with the unique challenge to amplify their stories while protecting their image and identity.
The Solution
We developed ‘kin•dred’, a series of silhouette moving portraits to elevate and anonymously share the stories of MOMentum mothers using illustration art and audio transcripts. We curated an end-to-end social and web experience in both English & Spanish.
I led the concept creation, art direction, illustration for this project. My goal was to illustrate each mother’s story using a silhouette to hold various details of her life. View the web experience and full stories here: www.kindred.marinmomentum.org
Project completed while working with Retrospect Studios.
This artwork encapsulates the connectedness and diversity of the mothers featured in this project.
Highest Potential
A mother’s dream for her children to reach their highest potential in life.
Mejor Que Yo
A mother’s desire for her children to become great people and to exceed where she is in life.
Me Time
A mother’s quest to prioritize herself in the midst of personal tragedy and the busyness of motherhood.
Around The Clock
A mother’s around the clock schedule to care for her family.
Beautiful Memories
A mother’s story of a precious memory from her childhood .
A mother’s hope for her child to live a life lead by happiness and agency over his future.
Tiempo Para Mi Misma
A mother’s story dream to have more time for herself and explore her interests.
A mother’s experience living outside of the bubble of the wealthy majority in her community. She discusses feelings of judgement, isolation and lack of acceptance.
A mother’s story of being a caretaker in her community.
To Live
A mother’s dream to see her son live. For him to have the opportunity to grow, experience life and be safe in the world.